Appointments & Fees

Psychological Assessment and Therapy/Treatment Sessions

All appointments are of 50 minutes duration and are generally on a weekly basis in the first instance. Some clinicians offer a fixed appointment time each week allocated to you or it may be possible to have flexible appointment times (dependant on your clinician’s diary). Appointments can be in person at the clinic or online via videoconferencing. Daytime and evening appointments are available. You can be referred through your GP/health professional or you can refer yourself directly.

Self-funding clients:
Fees: £135 per session (payable at each session or invoiced weekly by arrangement). Fees are reviewed annually on 1st April, you will be given notice of any fee changes. Please pay invoices promptly by the ‘due date’ to ensure there is no disruption in the provision of your sessions.

January 2024 – we have just reviewed our fees, these are increasing to £140 per session from 1st April 2025.

Insurance clients:
Fees: £140 per session (additional cost due to administration time involved in dealing with insurance company).

We are registered with several major health insurance companies. Your insurer will be billed directly. It is your responsibility to ensure that your treatment is authorised by your insurer so please check with them prior to booking and attending any appointments.  Please note, we no longer accept AXA PPP referrals.

To book an appointment, please complete the New Enquiry Contact Form on the contact page.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation fees are applicable for cancelling with less than 24 hours’ notice as this does not allow enough time for the session to be offered to another client. The full session fee is chargeable for either late notice cancellation or not arriving for your appointment.

Report & Letter Writing

Assessment reports, letters or treatment summaries are available and charged at the hourly rate.

Terms & Conditions

Please see here for full terms & conditions. By attending your first appointment you are agreeing to these terms & conditions and you will be asked to sign a copy.

Consultation and supervision

Please contact us to discuss your requirements and fees will be negotiated depending on your needs.

Kingston Psychology Clinic
Liberty House,
81-83 Victoria Road,
Surbiton, KT6 4NS

Contact Us

WE HAVE MOVED!!  On 1st March 2025 we moved to our new office in Surbiton (Victoria Road).  One minute walk from Surbiton station, free parking in Sainsburys and Waitrose.